Patient-Reported Outcome Measure

Clinical Trial Registration
Clinical Trial RegistrationPublications
F. Rajabiyazdi, A. Pal, R. Alam,
J. Montanez, S. Law, L. Lee,
N. Pecorelli, W. Yusuke, C. D. Luciana,
M. Falconi, H. Satoshi,
N. E. Mayo, L. S. Feldman, and J. F. Fiore Jr.
What Does ‘Recovery’ Mean To Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery? An International Qualitative Study.
Accepted for poster presentation at the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons,
Cleveland, OH, USA, April 1-4 2020.
We track patients' recovery progress after abdominal surgery using a self-reported questionnaire. We are developing this questionnaire around the domains of recovery that are identified as important from both patients' and physicians' perspectives. Finally, we will use modern psychometric methods to ensure interpretability, precision, and sensitivity to the change of patients' score.